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The story of Jessie

In this time's "stories of," we speak to Jessie van Gent. She enjoys working as a senior employee in our back office

"Hi Jessie, how did you end up at Quion and why did Quion appeal to you?"

"I was working as a commercial assistant at "De Hypotheker" (like Quion part of the Blauwtrust Group) and a colleague of mine had made the switch to Quion. He told very enthusiastic stories and then I applied in 2017 and was hired right away! I started in our Midoffice (underwriting department), where I really enjoyed working.

After 1.5 years, I made a brief foray as a recruiter at an employment agency, however, this turned out not to be my thing. During that time I always kept in touch with my colleagues at Quion and the world of mortgages kept attracting me. Via Linkedin I saw a vacancy for Backoffice employee and I took the plunge and applied again. It was a very nice job interview and during the interview the role of senior employee came up. This was a great opportunity for me to take on a position with more challenge and responsibilities. And so it was that I rejoined Quion in June 2021."

"What does your workday in the Back Office look like and what makes it so much fun?"

"The days I work in the office (about half of my time) I start with a cup of coffee and have a nice chat with my colleagues. Then I start planning for the day. This means that I schedule all my colleagues on the workload at that moment and together we make sure that we stay within Service Level. Every day at 10 am we have a day start with the team. In this we briefly discuss how yesterday went, what's on today's schedule and important announcements are shared with each other. After the day start I often answer some emails.

Other than that, every day is different! That's also what makes my job so much fun. For example, I am involved in the migration of a new customer and I am the point of contact for the team. If there is something wrong, I am there for them. In terms of work content, but also if someone is not feeling well, I offer a listening ear.

I get the most energy from solving "problems". If a colleague gets stuck in a case, I love to find out what the problem is and how we can solve it so that the colleague can continue and the customer can be helped.

"Is Quion a nice employer? And why does Quion suit you so well?"

"I really like the working atmosphere at Quion. We work really hard together but there is also room for fun and a joke in between. The back office really feels like a team and we help each other where necessary.

I also like the work-life balance. You can work from home for part of the week and you can influence your own working hours. You can start extra early or perhaps a little later and work a little longer. Of course, always in consultation with your team. Quion is a social company and we regularly organize fun things like drinks and fun activities from the staff association."

"What are your ambitions?"

"I am still really enjoying my current position. There's always a lot happening within Quion, so I'll see what comes my way. Perhaps in time I would like to move up to team manager."